Calvin Eng

How did growing up Asian make you feel?

Embarrassed, ashamed.

How do you feel now? What does being part of the AAPI community mean to you?

Proud - being a part of such a tight knit but also large community of people who are embracing their culture they may have once rejected is super cool to see and be a part of. Being a part of this community means educating and showing people about our culture and our food specifically for myself.

What's a moment recently where you've felt a strong sense of pride?

When customers come in and tell me how touched and moved they feel about the food and space, whether or not they even grew up as an AAPI.

If you had to recommend someone your favorite AAPI owned restaurant, where would it be and what should they order?

Uncle Lou's - I really respect what they're doing by preserving and serving traditional Cantonese fare in Manhattan's Chinatown while still being accommodating to guests of all backgrounds.

Calvin wears the Summer print shirt in Noir Print.

Who inspires you?

My mom - most of the food on the menu was inspired by her or the meals we had together as a family.

What are you listening to right now?

Been on a big Rihanna kick lately.

Are there any AAPI artists or designers you've been eyeing lately?  

Jenny Acosta - I’ve known Jenny and her work for years now and she happens to be a prep cook at Bonnie's. This is not a biased answer. I think her art is sick and she does a great job tying in her Asian / NY background in her work.

How do you unwind after a particularly long/stressful day?

Bubble bath beer and Theragun.

Any advice you could share for someone struggling with their identity?

Do research on people with similar backgrounds doing cool impactful things in the community. Chat with them if you get the opportunity to.

How can people get involved to help their AAPI communities?

For people who live in NY, I definitely recommend using local resources like Welcome to Chinatown (  who are always spotlighting initiatives centered around helping the AAPI community and NYC Chinatown businesses.

Why do you like supporting Heart of Dinner and their mission?

Moonlynn + Yin do an amazing job feeding the elders in the community meals.  They can actually eat and enjoy themselves by serving food that's familiar to them. Knowing your audience and making the effort to curate meals from chefs and restaurants with personal notes is so heartwarming to see.


Sahra Nguyen


Moonlynn Tsai + Yin Chang