Justin Bazdarich

Nolita, Manhattan

Let us start by saying we BEGRUDGINGLY leave the house these days. After days of meetings, emails, shoots, dog walks, whatever, we’re typically hovering over the urge to order pho take-out yet again. The winter only compounds this, and leaving our nests is borderline painful. All this is to say, when something new and exciting comes along, we get that jolt of energy we’ve been missing. Bar Tulix is that jolt. Chef and Co-Owner Justin Bazdarich continues to invite a good time and great food, coming off the tails of his other joints Oxomoco and Speedy Romeo. The coastal Mexican flavors are joined by warm orange and yellow decor, and a knack for the unexpected (i.e. tostadas dusted in house-made hibiscus powder). We got a little background on Bazdarich, and some new biz development on his end game seaside restaurant.

Full name, age, where are you from?

Justin Bazdarich, 45, Kansas City Kansas

What is your title and where do you work?

Chef, Restaurateur, Bar Tulix, Oxomoco, Speedy Romeo

Was food a big part of your upbringing?

Huge part! My Dad's side was Croatian/Italian American so lots of time spent in the kitchen and around the table.  Fresh pastas, raviolis , focaccia and tomato sauce on repeat were staples. On my Mom's side, her parents had a garden, grew and canned a majority of the food that they ate year round. In this house there was never a shortage of cakes, pastries and treats to enjoy. Everything from scratch always to boot!

What are your earliest memories of dining out?

We used to go the "Dragon Inn" on Friday's when I was a kid. I still remember the tea pot on the table that I would load each cup of tea with a full pack of sugar from the table.  Dipping crunchy fried wonton strips in my wonton noodle soup until it got cold. Never used a spoon. Then on to beef and broccoli and moo-shoo duck with the heaps of white rice.  Fortune cookies and orange pieces to finish. Sitting in the booth and observing the red lantern lit dining room while perusing my astrological chart off the menu are burnt into my DNA.

If you could give a piece of advice to someone who wanted to pursue your career, what would it be?

Be humble! You will make mistakes and thats OK. Learning from those mistakes is how you will succeed.  Also to have the humility that you are not perfect and that you can learn from a seasoned veteran on the job as well as a person that just stepped foot in a kitchen. As long as your perspective is positive progress, you will win.

What do you think working in this industry has taught you?

You can not do it alone and it is OK to ask for help. This has been a game changer in life as well as in business.

What's your favorite drink or dish on the menu?

My favorite dish on the menu is the Spicy Tuna Tostaditas. Beautiful tuna is diced and mixed with a chintestle mayo and topped on a crispy tortilla, thinly sliced radishes, pickled red onions, cara cara oranges and hibiscus powder. A perfect way to start your meal at Bar Tulix.

What is your favorite place to go out and eat at and what are you ordering?

I am locked into the Lamb Larb at Thai Diner! Hot sticky rice! All day! Probably that "Dragon Inn" nostalgia I am still chasing!

You’re on a desert island, what are the 5 kitchen items you need to run your business?

Wood Burning grill 

A large pot

A Large Saute Pan

A knife

A spoon


I was going to say plates, but I would serve on leaves.

I was going to say cutting board, but I'd find a flat piece of wood.

I was going to say pen and paper, but I'd write prep list in the sand.


My end game restaurant will be on the beach so this is good prep!


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