Isabella Pisacane

West Village, Manhattan

The West Village can be an intimidating neighborhood to open a restaurant. Libertine is relatively new, but it feels like they have been there as long as some of the greats. This French Bistro serves natural wine and cuisine du marché, which roughly translates to ‘cooking from the market’, or farm-to-table. Even though their French identity is strong, they maintain a New York sensibility in the details. Isabella Pisacane is one of the clever minds behind Libertine’s great FOH vibes. Read her interview below for a peek into how she became the Director of Hospitality at Libertine.

Full name, age, where are you from?

Isabella Pisacane, 28, New York City.

What is your title and where do you work?  

Partner & Director of Hospitality at Libertine.

What inspired you to work in the food industry?

My love of food has been omnipresent from a young age, a fact which can be attested to by my stepfather who, upon my entry into my parents’ apartment, is often heard saying “hide the leftovers.” Other than my innate love of eating, being an actor, I relied on restaurant work supplementally while I was between acting gigs. I eventually caught "the restaurant bug”. I’ve found that hospitality is equally as dynamic as acting, but utilizes a different skillset, a whole new muscle, as it were. The restaurant world has introduced me to so many powerhouse creatives spanning all different fields - being able to host and interact with passionate people each and every night has proven to be invaluable and invigorating.

What is your biggest customer pet peeve?

Many a time has a guest confidently strolled into the restaurant for their 7 PM reservation, yet the only catch is, it’s now 8 PM and their table is no longer available. Thus ensues shock and disbelief. Unfortunately, examples such as this are indicative of an all-too-common lack of respect for our business. We will always do our absolute best to accommodate our guests, but it’s important to maintain a sense of decorum and understanding - I promise, you will have a great dinner!

What is your most blissful food moment?

My father is from Milan and a lot of my childhood consisted of summers spent in Sardinia. Every year we would visit a restaurant with a name that now unfortunately escapes me. I remember being seated at a long banquet style communal outdoor table… (Vegans, please stop reading!)… We would order a whole roasted suckling pig that was ceremoniously brought out and splayed on the center of the table, fresh from the spit. I still remember the richness and crispy skin of the deliciously indulgent pig ears that I feasted on so ferociously that I would spend the remainder of each evening throwing up. While I wouldn’t equate throwing up with bliss, these pig ears were SO tasty that the after effects were worth it. From one glutton to another, pig ears are not for the faint of heart, but they should also not be ignored.

What dish do you want to perfect in the kitchen?
Anything Thai. And while I do not think I will ever master the delicious complexities of the Kong Karee dish at Soothr, I can at least try. 

If you could shout out a colleague or friend in the industry who would it be and why?

Joel Michel - my GM at Le Rock whose childlike love of hospitality, instinctive sense of leadership, and adoration of his team are enough to inspire and warm the most cynical and jaded of restaurant staff hearts.

What is the best food city?

As a native New Yorker, there is no way I can name any other place. The combination of diversity, innovation, and quality makes for a dynamic and ever exciting destination for food lovers.

How do you relax outside of work?

Playing tennis against a wall at James J Walker Park. (The constant and very pungent smell of weed will really put you in a state of tranquility, if that’s your thing. Unfortunately, it is not mine, but the workout is worth the inadvertent contact high). I also just recently hopped on the pickleball bandwagon, and of course running along the Hudson River will forever be my ultimate respite.

What is your astrology sign (including moon and rising)?
Aquarius, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising


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