Melissa Rodriguez, Anthony Duranti, and Georgia Wodder

Chelsea, Manhattan

It’s rare we enter a restaurant pre-service that feels just as alive as when dinner is being served. By the time we left the team at Mel’s—all before 4PM—we stumbled out into Chelsea full of great wine, crispy eggplant parm, and amazing conversation with the staff. Melissa Rodriguez and her team have put a jolt of excitement into fine dining, and its loaded with red sauce and great olive oil. Read on for our write-up with the gang.

Full name, age, where are you from?

Melissa Rodriguez, 43, River Edge New Jersey

Anthony Duranti, 29, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 

Georgia Wodder, 30, High Bridge NJ

What is your title and where do you work?

Melissa: Executive chef and partner Al Coro, Mel's and Discolo

Anthony: Mel’s Pizzeria, Executive Sous Chef

Georgia: Executive Pastry Chef at Mel’s and Al Coro

Was food a big part of your upbringing?

Melissa: Food was a simple thing. My mom always cooked and we ate dinner at 5:30 every night. She cooked very simply, always a protein, starch, vegetable and a salad. We didn't eat anything elaborate or processed.

Anthony: Growing up my dad owned a restaurant that I would often hang around at and my mom owns an Italian grocery store. I would spend summers hauling produce from her store van into the store and making local grocery delivery’s around Pittsburgh. When I was kid I would love skipping school to go to my nanas house because she would always cook for me. I would pretend sick so that I could eat her pasta e fagioli. 

Georgia: I have a lot of core memories involving food, but it wasn’t necessarily a huge part of my upbringing.  My mom is an excellent baker, so baking with her when I was a kid was definitely a big part of putting me on this path.

What are your earliest memories of dining out?

Melissa: I remember going to this place called TJ's. It was like a bar and grill type restaurant of the 80's. There were always professional sports players that lived in the area dining there. At that age I could fully sustain on shrimp so it fit the bill. It was always with my family and for a special treat, we didn't dine out often. And my parents used to take us to a Brazilian restaurant in NYC that I have fond memories of as well, unfortunately, I don't remember the name.

Anthony: One of my earliest memories of dining out was during my elementary school years, when my friends and I would venture out for lunch to a restaurant called 'Sushi Three'. I think it’s hilarious that a bunch of third graders were dining alone in a sushi restaurant, while the rest of our classmates were opting for pizza or hot dogs at the ice cream shop. We quickly became regulars at Sushi Three, and the staff was always friendly and accommodating to our young appetites. As time passed, the restaurant expanded to a new location, and I had the chance to visit with my family. To my surprise, the owner recognized me from my elementary school days and treated us like VIPs. It was a memorable experience that I still think back on fondly.

Georgia: There’s a greasy breakfast/lunch place (with an ice cream shop attached) in my hometown called Gronsky’s that’s been in business since I can remember.  My mom and I would go there before my PM kindergarten classes, and the server would see our car pulling up and pour us both a Diet Coke before we walked in the door.  We’d have grilled cheese and crinkly fries with mayo, probably a soft serve swirl cone with rainbow sprinkles, then I’d go off to kindergarten, smelling like fryer oil.

If you could give a piece of advice to someone who wanted to pursue your career, what would it be?

Melissa: Talent and success are the products of hard work and dedication. Take yourself and your career seriously, you have a lot to learn.

Anthony: Showing up every day with an open mind and a good attitude will take you a long way. You don’t always need to be the best at cooking but it’s very rewarding to try and be the best teammate. 

Georgia: A good attitude and hard work will get you very far.

What do you think working in this industry has taught you?
: I've learned so much but this industry has taught me the value of teamwork and the importance of your professional relationships.

Anthony: I’ve had so many mentors in this industry and learned so much from all of them. From my parents who were in the Industry, Chefs I’ve worked with, friends that I’ve made, and now even younger chefs that I have the opportunity to manage. I think the most valuable thing for me is that you can really learn so much from anyone. 

Georgia: It’s taught me how to be a team player.  I’ve always been introverted and liked working alone, but being in this industry has taught me the importance of collaboration and teamwork, and how valuable that is.

What's your favorite dish/drink on the menu?

Melissa: Uhhhh...that's too hard, I like everything on the menu otherwise it wouldn't necessarily be there. 

Anthony: Food: Bibb Salad/Sausage Pizza 

Drink: Seasonal Spritz/Ti amo

Georgia: That’s really hard… at Mel’s, I’d say the asparagus, and the mushroom pizza, and the Ti Amo, and at Al Coro, the curligiones (although the entire pasta tasting is incredible).  

What is your favorite place to go out and eat at and what are you ordering?

Melissa: I love Razza in Jersey City. I like to order meatballs, a salad ( there's usually a seasonal salad or a kale Cesar, last time I was there I had a Gem salad with a herb yogurt dressing that was awesome) and a Calabrese Pie. it's delicious and Dan is a friend and the nicest of people and his staff mirror that sentiment.

Anthony: I’ve been loving Nami Nori and I’m usually ordering the tasting but I’m always adding on a few rolls. But my absolute favorite place to eat is any gyro cart in nyc. 

Georgia: Depends on the day, but Via Carota for a few of their vegetable dishes (always the mushrooms), and a Cynar spritz, or Jolene in Noho for their bread and butter, marinated olives, and a salad, with a gin martini. 

You’re on a desert island, what are the 5 kitchen items you need to run your business? 

Melissa: Refrigeration, firepower, knife, cutting board, spoons.


1. refrigerator

2. pizza oven

3. pizza peel

4. can opener

5. cheese grater

Georgia: Gelato machine, rubber spatula, convection oven, refrigeration, kitchen scale.


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