Juan Carlos Rodriguez & Shanta Tran


Like most great things do, Poco Pato began as an at-home passion project. At the onset, co-founder Juan Carlos, leaned into his love of funkier foods by trying his hand at curing duck at home. What started as an experiment quickly snowballed into something too delicious not to share with the whole of New York. With his partner Shanta’s help, Poco Pato took flight, selling duck prosciutto to family and friends. Today, they’re popping up around NYC and collaborating with restaurants and bars on unique spice mixes, so you can try a bite or two (or six) before you bring it home.

Full name, age, where are you from?

Shanta Tran, 29, Bay Area, California

Juan Carlos Rodriguez, 28, DMV, Maryland 

What is your title and where do you work?  

ST: Co-founder at Poco Pato

JC: Co-founder at Poco Pato

What inspired you to work in the food industry?

JC: Peruvians are notorious for their food in South America. My Tia Sonia cooked the best meals for family parties so she was probably my first inspiration. I spent some time in France post highschool and met a few chefs on the vineyards I was working at. They taught me some basics and during college I would cook with my friends.

ST: It just happened for me! But every day I realize how creative and supportive the food industry is, and I’m lucky we fell into this.   

What is your biggest customer pet peeve?

JC: I love all our customers, but I don’t like non-customers!

ST: Anything to do with returns…I don’t make or ask for returns, as a customer. And I hate processing returns, as a business. 

What is your most blissful food moment?

ST: The order of fries after the first drink or my mom’s bò kho (viet beef stew)

JC: Drinking the leche de tigre after I finish my Ceviche

What dish do you want to perfect in the kitchen?
ST: The dream would be pho but I don't have a pot that big. Who’s got the space?

JC: For a while, it was paella because I could never get a good socarrat but now it’s bánh bột lọc!

If you could shout out a colleague or friend in the industry who would it be and why?

ST: Bagus (@studiobum.nyc) owns his own Indonesia catering/food delivery business but he was the first person who invited us to be a part of an event that really kicked us off. Michelle (@savoreachbite) has an amazing roster of clients she does marketing for and she helped shoot our first campaign

JC: Adam from (@burntorangehoney)! He has a really fun concept for food events, and we’ve met a lot of really great people through him. 

What is the best food city?

ST: Saigon, Vietnam, because even after a 10 day trip I never got to the point of the trip where I needed “flavor” 

JC: NYC, nothing compares…

How do you relax outside of work?

ST: Anything to help me disassociate... Running, movies, drinking wine and yapping

JC: Love going to live shows, especially jazz! Playing pick-up soccer or pool. I also force my friends to blind-taste wine with me sometimes. 

What is your astrology sign (including moon and rising)?
ST: Triple Scorpio….don't worry, my boyfriend is a level-headed Capricorn

JC: I’m a Capricorn. I think Cancer makes an appearance somewhere in my chart too.

