Sarah Abramjuk and Sumer Sabooh

Bed Stuy, Brooklyn

Since opening back in 2022, Rita & Maria has quickly become one of Bed Stuy’s most beloved cafes, and it’s easy to see why. Sumer Sabooh heading pastry has an astounding knack for comforting baked goods, some German-inspired, others delicious café classics. Sarah Abramjuk, the owner, has curated a space you could lounge in all day long (even if you leave your laptop at home). Rita & Maria has also become a space for some of our favorite local pop-ups to host dinners, jazz nights, and more. Turning a cozy cafe into an intimate restaurant at night is music to our ears, AND they have their liquor license too. Keep your eyes locked on these gals, there’s more coming soon.

Full name, age, where are you from?

SA: Sarah Abramjuk, 45 from Bremen, Germany

SS: Sumer Sabooh, 32, Tahoe/Truckee, California

What is your title and where do you work?  

SA: Owner of Rita & Maria

SS: Pastry Chef, Rita & Maria; Freelance Food Styling Assistant

What inspired you to work in the food industry?

SA: The camaraderie and kinship to provide something special to share with people.

SS: I grew up in the food industry. My mom, who immigrated to the US in the ’80s, worked in food service for many decades. She raised my brother and me alone in a tiny tourist town, so I was always surrounded by hospitality. After school, the bus would drop me off at the diner where my mom worked, and I’d do my homework in a booth until her shift was over. I think I naturally developed an attraction to food service—and a deep reverence for the work ethic and hustle it requires to make it in this industry—during that time. I got my first job at Del Taco at 15, worked at Cracker Barrel during college, and then after a few years in the nonprofit world, I transitioned to my full-time career in BOH and pastry. I love all the creativity and hard work involved, but most of all, I really just love getting to feed people.

What is your biggest customer pet peeve?

SA: Just don't be a jerk.

SS: That's between me and my work-related stress dreams! ;)


What is your most blissful food moment?

SA: Sharing a meal with people I love. Watching my children eat with gusto.

SS: There's too many to name! Here's the most recent one: A few weeks ago, my partner and I popped into Bonnie's in Williamsburg after a long, hot, 25,000-step day running errands around the city. They really nail it every time there, but this meal was particularly blissful. Our server was their head bartender Channing, who is just a joy and such a pro. We ordered the mussels and fries, BLT fried rice, and of course the sundae. No matter how many times I have that sundae, I will always be blown away by how perfect it is.

What dish do you want to perfect in the kitchen?

SA: Dampfnudeln, a regional German yeasted bun that's simultaneously steamed and fried and has the most delicious salty golden crusted bottom. My grandmother Rita was the queen of making them.

SS: I have lots to perfect in the kitchen for sure, but these days I'm really trying to gain more experience with food styling. I started working as a food styling assistant a year ago just to supplement my income. Before I knew it, I'd fallen in love with it after working with so many great stylists on a handful of really fun gigs. It's been really energizing to think about food in a new way, and I've been surprised by how it has made me a much better cook. I've loved getting to work with so many talented food stylists, prop stylists, and photographers who have taught me so much, and I'm really excited to continue to learn and grow in that field. 

If you could shout out a colleague or friend in the industry who would it be and why?

SA: Sumer for her talent, dedication, and hard work. My friends Sara Conklin of Glasserie & Nina of Bakeri. Two forces in the industry who always offer help, advice, and support. Sadie Mae & Anthony of Ha's. They make some of the best food I have ever had with such joy and kindness. It's a fucking delight to work with them.

SS: I have lots of friends in the industry who are all deserving of a shoutout, but here are a few: 

The whole team at Rita & Maria, past and present. Everyone at the cafe works so hard and is such a joy to be around. I truly love showing up at work every day to see them—they really are what makes Rita & Maria such a special, beloved spot in the neighborhood. 

Christina Balzebre, the owner of Levee Baking Co. in New Orleans. Levee is the first bakery I ever staged at, and Christina really gave me the confidence I needed to pursue a career in pastry. She's also the person who recommended I get into food styling! Not only is she an incredible baker who has built one of my favorite bakeries in the world, but she's also the type of person who sees drive and potential in people and really nurtures it. I'm forever grateful to her for seeing something in me.

Liberty Greene Fennell is one of the food stylists I assist the most, and she is the friend and mentor I've been searching for pretty much my entire working life. She is such an incredibly talented stylist and chef, and I always learn so much working with her. She is also just a bloody blast to be around!

What is the best food city?

SA: For me Mexico City & Montreal.

SS: New Orleans, Buford Highway in Atlanta, and for pastries, definitely London!

How do you relax outside of work?

SA: I love naps.

SS: My favorite thing to do is just hang out at home, cook dinner with my partner, and then watch TV with him and our friends. We spend lots of our free time at concerts, at the movies, visiting museums, and going out to eat. Surprisingly, I find cleaning really relaxing—I usually spend my days off deep cleaning our apartment, and that always makes me feel better. I also love going for nice, long runs on the treadmill, and I always keep a big stack of Korean sheet masks at home to pop on whenever I need a quick pick-me-up.

What is your astrology sign (including moon and rising)?
SA: Taurus Sun, Sag Moon, Pisces Rising

SS: Scorpio sun, Libra moon, Cancer rising. (I think!)


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