Zachary Hughes

Lower East Side, Manhattan

Before Decades opened a year and a half ago, Zach was popping up and making pizzas around the city. Over that time, he amassed a good deal of hype that eventually turned this pizza joint into a highly anticipated Ridgewood restaurant. Even now, it continues to be one of THE neighborhood spots for pizza, and for good reason. You can’t go wrong with “The Regular”, which is their classic pie, but don’t be afraid of the special ones. The “Hot Potato” and “The Load Up” are two absolute faves. Last but not least we have to give the “Decades Chopped Salad” some attention. There’s no such thing as too much Pecorino and pickled peppers.

Full name, age, where are you from?

Zachary Hughes, 34, Portland, Maine 

What is your title and where do you work?  

Chef and Co-owner of Decades Pizza

What inspired you to work in the food industry?

 My first job was schmearing at Mr. Bagel when I was 14, before the Portland foodie boom. After that experience, I worked in several fast-casual restaurants and diners. Which wasn’t necessarily inspiring. Rather the opposite, but I enjoyed the people and camaraderie. More inspiring subconsciously and with hindsight. When I moved to New York, I became fully enthralled with cooking, dining, and hospitality.

What is your biggest customer pet peeve?

The definitive opinion, main character syndrome. Reviews are not facts.

What is your most blissful food moment?

Eating a whole lobster with drawn butter at a folding table on a lawn, quintessential Maine summer. And continues to be blissful every time.

What dish do you want to perfect in the kitchen?
Chasing the ever-unattainable perfect dough, a baker's blessing and curse. The fun is in trying and learning to adapt with elements and conditions.

If you could shout out a colleague or friend in the industry who would it be and why?

One is too hard, so here's a few! All friends who have been supportive and are amazing at what they do.

Nikki Pensabene @bypensa

Ioana Hercberg @lacantine

Brittany Ha @horsesonsunset

Yarra Herrera @hellbendernyc

Tyler Henry @choza_cdmx

What is the best food city?

Top 3: Mexico City, Los Angeles, New York City

How do you relax outside of work?

I try for a weekly matinee

What is your astrology sign (including moon and rising)?
Virgo, Aries, Capricorn (thanks co-star)


Samaya Boueri Ziade


Sarah Abramjuk and Sumer Sabooh