Samaya Boueri Ziade

Park Slope, Brooklyn

Sawa is harnessing the hospitality culture of Beirut “where the table and family are one”. The owners, Samaya and George Boueri, are brother and sister. George is an architect who curated the vibe and Samaya is running the show, nothing like a family business to bring their vision to life. Their Chef, Soroosh Golbabae is not only the former chef Eyval and Sofreh, but a past busboy feature as well ;) The only and best way to eat is family style, and while there might be too many dips to try on your own, you’ll find yourself wanting a hummus with wagyu beef cheek to yourself though.

Full name, age, where are you from?

Samaya Boueri Ziade, 43, Lebanon

What is your title and where do you work?  

I am the Chef/Owner at Sawa, which I co-founded with my brother George.

What inspired you to work in the food industry?

 I enjoy hosting friends and family and gathering for a meal. I also wanted to preserve Lebanese culture in my own small way.

What is your biggest customer pet peeve?

 Disrespecting or treating the team poorly.

What is your most blissful food moment?

Watching others find joy in food. Personally, I enjoy a long, endless breakfast by the sea.

What dish do you want to perfect in the kitchen?
Moelleux au chocolat. I have a sweet tooth and a weakness for dark chocolate. 

If you could shout out a colleague or friend in the industry who would it be and why?

I'm new to the industry but I admire Jose Andres for all he does. The work he does with World Central Kitchen is inspiring. 

What is the best food city?

A tight race between Beirut and New York City.

How do you relax outside of work?

Work out, travel, take in new experiences. 

What is your astrology sign (including moon and rising)?


Dimitris Zafeiropoulos


Zachary Hughes